Blogs Few Most Commonly Used 3D Printing Techniques
Blogs Few Most Commonly Used 3D Printing Techniques
3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing is a manufacturing technique that creates physical objects by creating layers in succession, by adding one on top of the other. This technology is very different from the traditional methods of manufacturing like machining or casting. Though the terms 3D printing and additive manufacturing are often used interchangeably, the latter is more commonly associated with industrial applications that also include the serial production of different components. On the other hand, 3D printing is more consumer-focused. The nature of the parts that are made by these two technologies is different. 3D printing is more often used for decorations, figurines, etc, while additive manufacturing is more closely associated with end to use products, produce molds and components.
There are different manufacturing techniques that are used under the 3D printing technology. Let us take a look at four most popular technologies categorized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO/ASTM 52900):
Though some of the above mentioned 3D printing processes are used in industrial and professional contexts, they still are accessible. If you are looking to benefit from any of these 3D printing techniques, you need to go for a 3D printing service.
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